Whoever thought of everlasting pay monthly websites? The fact is for a new business a website is a really important decision to make. Many small businesses and for that matter larger companies end up having to scrimp on a decent website because of budgetary reasons. Missing out on such a powerful digital marketing tool could be the biggest mistake of your business’s life.
What if you could have a seo friendly web presence that gets you found easily and is loved by search engines? A web design that looks cool and carries all of the information about your products and services with no upfront cost?
The best way to keep a site up to date is to be able to access the salient information yourself. That’s why we develop our pay monthly web design sites in WordPress. We know that WordPress excels when it comes to search engine optimisation. We had over 100 happy customers who have used our high quality WordPress sites - most of whom highly recommend the platform as a great basis for a fantastic website.
Our prices start from £100 per month. This is for a minimum term of 24 months. We have an agreement that we both sign. Your first payment is made at the point you sign the agreement.
The monthly fee is then taken via direct debit on or around the 1st of each month. There are no setup fees - we only ask that you start to pay for the site monthly.
We handle everything from there. We take care of the design services, the website hosting, the development of the core website - even the ssl certificate. We continue to do so for as long as you keep paying the monthly fee.
On the third year, providing that you’re still in contract with us, we’ll redesign your website with a new look and feel. A website usually lasts between 3 and 5 years. On the third year, we will work with you on your new design. The best part? As long as you keep paying the monthly amount - we will redevelop your website for no extra charge.
That means effectively, you’ve just got a new website, without having to increase your payments, no hassle with changing creative companies and more of the same levels of service you’ve enjoyed for the previous 3 years. What could be better?
Oh yes! There are. We can help with all sorts of services from photography and videos (subject to where in the world you live) all the way through to SEO strategy and implementation and copywriting.
We have a comprehensive set of options we’d be happy to talk through with you should you wish to proceed.
The honest answer is - it depends mainly on you and how quickly you can provide us with the content needed. If you’re unable to, we can help with that - it will cost a little extra, but it will save on delays and procrastination. Time that small businesses can ill-afford. If you need help or assistance with copy-writing or obtaining images - talk to us, we may be able to help.
We offer a monthly payment solution that can be tailored to suit your needs with a variety of add on services. Prices for an everlasting website start from only £100 a month - which means to work with us is within most businesses' reach.
There's some examples of our costings in the below pricing table, but please get in touch for custom quotations tailored to your project needs.
If you’re looking to investigate the options, then please, pick up the phone and call us. Or email, or talk to Kolf, our BOT. We can talk about your business, your products and services and how we can help you move your business forwards.
If you’ve got an idea that you need bringing to life - fill in our contact form and let's start talking. We’d be only too glad to help.